Because of this, I have a belly!

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Because of this, I have a belly

No breakfast

                Skipping breakfast will deprive the body of nutrients needed to build energy and repair wear and tear. The brain does not receive enough nutrients, causing the body to feel tired. It also increases hunger, causing us to eat more in the next meal, resulting in more weight than before.

Eat close to bedtime

                Because the body needs about 2-3 hours to digest food in the stomach and small intestines. If you eat and then go to sleep right away, your body will adjust to rest mode, causing the digestive system to work more slowly and accumulate more energy in the form of fat.

Fasting to lose weight

                Fasting only helps you lose weight temporarily and also carries the risk of gaining it back, which is called the “yo-yo effect” because fasting causes your body to adjust to using less energy and when you eat more, it will accumulate.

Eat while doing other things

                Working while eating snacks, watching TV shows while eating popcorn, eating like this, you can be prepared that fat is definitely coming because normally we tend to focus on the main activity that we are doing, with eating as a supplement that we forget to think about. How can we not gain weight while enjoying ourselves like this?

Sugar is close to people, who can stand it?

                Sugar here also includes starchy โปรโมชั่น ufabet foods because excess sugar is converted to fat. The food around us is full of sugar and starch. It’s easy to flip through the labels or nutritional information tables. Even fruit juice, which is said to be healthy, has an average of 15 grams of sugar! So why do we only drink fruit juice every day?

Causes of Upper Stomach Being Bigger Than the Lower Stomach 

Below we have discussed the factors responsible for larger upper stomach fat.  

1. Bloating 

Bloating could make your upper stomach look larger than your lower stomach. The culprits are many. These may include digestive trouble, bad food combinations, and foods leading to swelling. 

  • Digestive issues 

Digestive problems might cause your tummy to swell. Conditions such as IBS, constipation, and gas might be the cause. To find out, consult your healthcare provider. They may help identify and manage any underlying gut issues. 

  • Inflammatory foods 

Foods causing swelling in your gut can give you a bloated tummy. You should cut back on foods like alcohol, sugar, trans fats, and products with white flour. 

  • Poor food combining 

Mixing certain foods at meal times can cause digestion problems and bloating. For example, stuffing complex carbohydrates and proteins together in a meal can lead to poor digestion and a bloated belly. 

2. Adrenal stress fat 

Chronic stress can lead to fat storage, especially around your belly area. Hormones, like cortisol, play a big role in this.